Archive for October, 2009

5 Must-Visit Hollywood Sushi Places

Saturday, October 10th, 2009

los angeles sushiSushi is to LA as the poolside margarita is to Vegas. Or as the buffalo was to the plains Indian. Ok, maybe it’s not that dramatic, but it’s definitely not wise to stand between a Los Angeleno and yellowtail sashimi.

Like a burrito joint can be judged almost exclusively on its carne asada, sushi places can be summed up fairly easily based on a few things, such as freshness, and creativity in flavors and presentation. Sushi places can also vary widely in overall quality, from the greasy joint that seems to put imitation crab in everything, to the jaw-dropping rooftop establishment that makes you feel a little underdressed (see number one on this list).

DE Auto: The Last Honest Los Angeles Mechanic

Saturday, October 10th, 2009

los angeles mechanicAfter quite a bit of searching we located a reliable, honest, courteous and generous mechanic in North Hollywood, for anyone who runs into car trouble.

DE Automotive, Inc

4702 Vineland Ave
North Hollywood, CA 91602
(818) 766-8120


  • The little guys are almost always more knowledgeable and cheaper than the big guys (Midas, Pep Boys, etc).
  • The same guy (Sam) is usually there, meaning you don’t have to explain your problem to six different guys. And he remembers you.
  • Sam makes his own rules, so he doesn’t need a manager’s approval to, say, top off your oil free of charge.
  • They’re honest, so you pay what they quote the first time.
  • They explain the problem in a down-to-earth manner instead of trying to make it sound complicated.
  • Ah, they’re just nice guys. We want to help them out.

Take your busted ride there, they’ll do ya proud.

In-N-Out vs. Fatburger: Who Wins the Burger Crown?

Wednesday, October 7th, 2009

In the landscape of Hollywood fast food, two gleaming ivory towers rise above the debris of MSG-soaked, artificial-smoke flavored, reheated mega-burger chains. In-N-Out, the Irvine-based private burger chain that won Zagat’s Fast-Food Survey in 2008 and 2009, and Fatburger, the Santa Monica-based chain known as “the Last Great Hamburger Stand.”

One is an old-fashioned cult favorite that successfully promotes itself through T-shirts emblazoned with hot rods, the other touts its food quality through snarky slogans aimed at other burger chains, and was once co-owned by Magic Johnson. Which deserves the crown? There are many factors to consider: In-N-Out’s prices still recall its 1948 birth; Fatburger’s patrons are treated to free, unlimited use of the jukebox and a wide array of delicious burger options. What are we going to do about this?

7 Irksome Things about Vegas

Wednesday, October 7th, 2009

Las Vegas is without question the brightest oasis in any desert. The city is absolutely worthy of nicknames like Sin City and “adult playground.” In fact, it undeniably deserves to have its name shouted to raised fist by people in bars, as the anticipation of a Vegas trip evokes the same feelings you had when you were a kid going to Disneyland.

But as fun and exciting as this wanton desert community is, there are definitely things about Vegas that irk. Whether it’s because Vegas knows exactly how much we love to go there, or because people can’t help but crap on a party, here are a few common Vegas pitfalls, with some quick advice on avoiding them. Proceed with riot batons raised.

How to Have an Awesome Solvang Road Trip

Wednesday, October 7th, 2009

solvangHere’s a quick and easy guide to taking a fun weekend road trip to Solvang, CA. This is what we did, and it definitely did the trick. Add a few of these things to your Solvang checklist.

PS: If you have your own advice, add it in the comments below!

The Crazy Girl (Yes, LA has personality)

Wednesday, October 7th, 2009

straight jacketI was walking along a side-street a while ago, on the way to get food from a nearby restaurant. The streets around Hollywood were closed off due to a parade, and there were cars parked and people wandering everywhere. It was early evening, just starting to get dark.

As I was walking, I heard someone talking a close distance behind me. I tried to ignore it. Then I realized they were repeating themselves over and over again.

When I Go to Heaven, There Will Be an Ahi Tuna Burger There

Wednesday, October 7th, 2009

ahi tuna burgerWhen Moses came down from the mountain, he brought with him the stone tablets containing the strict, new rule system for everyone to follow. And he knew people would be upset. So, unmentioned in the scriptures, he brought something else with him to help make everyone feel better.

It was an ahi tuna burger. I’m not exaggerating at all. Ask any Sunday school teacher. The ahi tuna burger, despite being created by Eastern-themed restaurant Buddha’s Belly and thus having little or nothing to do with Western religion, is more or less a gift from God, sent to pacify the masses and give them refuge from the stress and perils of the world. And it does its job well.

This is the TryOurLA blog.

Wednesday, October 7th, 2009

martiniThis is the official blog of TryOurLA, the amazing, genius-run Los Angeles Web guide steadily taking over the Internet.

On the pages of this blog you’ll find out about delicious entrees at some of our favorite restaurants, discover sweet drinks at some of our favorite bars, hear funny stories from (or about) our awesome friends, or read about our uber-exciting road trips, which are filled with adventure, intrigue and occasional road rage.

This being the first post, there’s not much here yet. But hang on, we’ll be pestering you with new posts to read before long.

Until then, cheers!

Peter & Lana